Sunday, January 4, 2009

N00B spectacles

I have to get my eyes checked. I think it is age. So now I am not only going to be hard of hearing ...I will need to pull my glasses our of the case and actually wear them.

Am I a n00b???


  1. That is the funniest eye chart! That's how I felt when I got my glasses! LOL!

    I'll bet you're still one hot mama...they aren't ol lady glasses, they're stylin' accessories!

  2. Sadly this is probably how the eye tests are for the chavs these days ... it's the only thing they understand afaik lol rofl pmsl lfmao!!!!

  3. Hello Alex! I have awarded you for the One Lovely Blog award. You always make me smile, even if you only blog once a month or less. I wanted to award people I know and really adore.

  4. Ok, my sons have been saying "noob" for weeks now and I have no idea what it means. I asked them and they give me a different answer each time. Am I officially old now?

  5. I wished Melissa...I wished!

    MrSkyline my 6 year old knows how to write both ways but we find it really funny in "short" writing as he calls it. Its like learning a 3rd language! English, Portuguese and Instantmessage/computer talk.

    Wow Heather Thank you. How did I not see this before!!!!! Its what aging does to your head...and my eyesight for sure.
    Anyways calling my blog lovely is lovely and all but.... I don't know...all that F**** talking....

    Hey Michelle Noob is a Newbie and/or someone that is anoying or does stupid things and is clueless.
    A NOOB! Gee I love the word NOOB!
    My son loves POOP NOOB...but I disgress...
